Car Crashes Are Not “Accidents”

Car accident is a term commonly used to describe any sort of fender bender, collision or wreck involving one or more vehicles. But is this really the best term to describe the nature of the incident?

Not at all. In fact, the majority of what are deemed “accidents” are preventable. Since controllable factors such as distracted driving, drunk driving or speeding are typically the cause of these “accidents,” why do the media, courts and insurance companies use and maintain the term accident?


car accidents are not the same as car crashes


Accidents vs. Crashes

The problem with using the term accident to describe all car collisions is that there is no culprit. This effect is very useful for defendants in car crash cases and for their insurance companies. A defendant guilty of causing a car crash wants the jury and their insurance company to believe it was an uncontrollable accident.

If you are the victim of a car crash and seek legal guidance for the damages you have suffered, what can you do about this displacement of blame?

  • Never refer to the crash as an “accident.” Refusing to use this common terminology will demonstrate your conviction that the crash was, in fact, the result of another person’s negligence.
  • Take pictures at the scene of the accident and provide a detailed incident report to the proper authorities. Request and keep copies of any recordings or reports performed by legal officers, as these documents can be a lifeline in the courtroom.
  • Consult an experienced personal injury attorney. You are entitled to legal redress for your damages, so hire a professional to get you the maximum settlement possible.

Changing the Narrative

What can you do to hold careless and dangerous drivers accountable? Stop using the term accident and stop exonerating the people responsible for these preventable events. Call out vehicle collisions for what they really are: crashes perpetrated by another person’s negligence.

Have you suffered personal injury or the wrongful death of a family member? Meissner Law has been protecting the interests and rights of clients for over twenty years. We know how to get our clients the legal compensation that they deserve. Give us a call at (916) 743-1537 for a free initial consultation with the top personal injury attorneys in Sacramento.